Hello there! Thank you for stopping by! I want to share with you some testimonies of miracles that God has done in my life, beginning with my teen years.
I grew up in the Pentecostal faith, and during my teen years I worked two jobs. One was running two newspaper routes in Southeast Oklahoma, the other was a job at Taco Mayo which is similar to Taco Bell.
As a teenager I loved the Lord very much. However, between work and school I had no time to pray or spend time with God. When I took the job at Taco Mayo, I noticed that no one bothered the cook. Now, I had no particular interest in cooking nor do I to this day, but what was attractive to me about the cook's position is that I thought that perhaps I could have time to pray while cooking.
The manager granted my request and I trained for and became the night cook. Oh, what a wonderful time I had cooking beans and meat, and frying chips. I would wear pray and sing while I cooked. I would feel the Spirit of the Lord come over me and I would gradually get louder and louder in my singing as the joy of the Lord bubbled over. Often the manager had to come and tell me to quiet down as I might be disturbing the people in the dining room.
I looked forward every day to going to work and being in the presence of the Lord. One day as I was frying chips, my feet slipped out from under me on the greasy floor and I plunged my right arm into the deep fat fryer up to my elbow! My feet were straight out behind me, my head hit the prep table, and my left hand was all the way out to the left on the prep table. It took a moment to get back up while my arm was frying!
I screamed to the top of my lungs "In the name of Jesus!" as I pulled my arm out. I threw my apron over it and was screaming and talking in tongues at the same time. Everyone came running, even the patrons in the dining room ran to the counter to see what was going on. The manager was hollering to call the ambulance, everyone was clamoring to see what had happened. It was chaos!
The manager and a couple of people grabbed me and pulled the apron back to look at my arm. My arm was really dark red, and it hurt like crazy! I kept telling them NOT to call the ambulance, and I kept on praying in tongues. After about 30 minutes, the pain stopped. When I pulled back the apron, my arm was back to normal color!! No one could understand what had happened. They started saying that it was a good thing the fryer hadn't heated up yet!
Human minds couldn't wrap their minds around the miracle that had just happened. I couldn't fathom what had just happened either. It was many years later that a lady I knew did a similar thing, except her skin instantly sloughed off. It was then that it dawned on me how the Lord had spared me.
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